" The Sanskrit word "Yagya" is originated from the Sanskrit verb - YAJ = to do fire sacrifice but vedic Yagya is in fact a combination of rituals recommended by Veda and Vedic Scriptures Vedic Yagya is regarded as the means to that complete success in life which consists of all possible achievements in the world together with freedom from bondage. Vedic Yagya, in fact, is a means to accomplish perfection in life. Vedic Yagya is a process of bringing the individual into harmony with the stream of evolution, which enjoys the favour of all the forces of nature engaged in the advancement of life, individual and cosmic. " -(Maharishi Mahesh Yogi On the Bhagavad Gita, 1967 Chapter 3, Verse 11)
A vedic yagya is the chanting of specific Vedic mantras (sounds) by professionally trained and dedicated Vedic Pandits. The mantras are chanted a predetermined number of times then followed by a fire ceremony to burn the last seeds of karma around the vedic yagya. A strong Vedic principle about yagyas is "the more done, the more benefits we will receive".
Yagya is in fact a combination of rituals recommended by Veda and Vedic Scriptures. These rituals include Hawan or Fire Sacrifice, Japa or Recite of a particular quantity (like125,000 times) of a Particular Mantra which is either from Veda or from a scripture derived from Veda. These Vedic Mantras are perfect in rhythm and therefore very effective in generating fast energies for the purpose that help targeted person to get healed or helped by nature.
Veda means knowledge, vedic means relate with veda, viz. relate with the truth concerning the true nature of life. If a person realize the true nature of life, can function perfectly according to natural laws. In this way all the aspects of life will be spontaneously harmonious. Vedic pandits means, people who live according to the rules of the vedic tradition.With the yagya performances achieved by vedic pandits everybody can create harmony in all the aspects of his(her) life. Harmony in the individual life is the base of the harmony of a nation. The main aspects of life are: spiritual, mental and physical. We divided these aspects to many subdivisions like work and business, property and money, love and relations, education, members of the family, etc... to be easier to chose out the required service.
The performance of a planetary yagya creates positive influence from a specific planet. (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu). Planetary Yagyas neutralize negative and strengthen positive influence from the lords of the dashas or transits. Dashas are certain time periods in a person’s life, which are ruled by certain planets. Great support of nature can be reached.
Read MoreRoyal Yagyas use longer, more complex mantras than the special intention yagyas. This yagya is for wealth and prosperity. It is a yagya done for people who are currently earning money. It is not a way to get out of debt. If you already have one or more solid streams of income, this yagya tends to enhance the income.
Read MoreThe Sanskrit word Yagya is originated from the Sanskrit verb – YAJ = to do fire sacrifice. Yagya is in fact a combination of rituals recommended by Veda and Vedic Scriptures.
Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. There is a broad variety of yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism.
Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means for divining information about human affairs and terrestrial events.
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