We each come to this life with different experiences to be balanced and this balance takes many different forms. Do the yagyas always do something to help with this balance.vedic yagyas are"energy medicine"that brings the support of Nature to our activities.vedic yagyas are about aligning with a particular energy.They give us aninternal boost and tend to change our inclinations.vedic Yagyas do not always result in obvious transformations in the visible world.They help present windows of opportunity - it's still up to us to do the work.We still have to take concrete action in the outer world to create change.
Our specialty is the quality of work that we do. We look for most powerful transformation that makes our client feel the effect of the yagyas.we not only perform the yagya, but let our client be aware about all the aspect about it. We make sure the client understand what the best yagya performance for him is or her, and what is the impact of those mantras have on life and home.Our work is to provide all best possibilities to our client, to positively transform, to help feel the power of Vedic vibration.
The performance of a planetary yagya creates positive influence from a specific planet. (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu). Planetary Yagyas neutralize negative and strengthen positive influence from the lords of the dashas or transits. Dashas are certain time periods in a person’s life, which are ruled by certain planets. Great support of nature can be reached.
Read MoreRoyal Yagyas use longer, more complex mantras than the special intention yagyas. This yagya is for wealth and prosperity. It is a yagya done for people who are currently earning money. It is not a way to get out of debt. If you already have one or more solid streams of income, this yagya tends to enhance the income.
Read MoreThe Sanskrit word Yagya is originated from the Sanskrit verb – YAJ = to do fire sacrifice. Yagya is in fact a combination of rituals recommended by Veda and Vedic Scriptures.
Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. There is a broad variety of yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism.
Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means for divining information about human affairs and terrestrial events.
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