The Jyotish Services
Once Pandit Dwivedi has received your birth data, he will make a chart of the heavens for your time and place of birth. From this chart, he will determine which planetary influences are weak or negative today. He may recommend from one to five planetary yagyas to help reduce any difficult karma. He may also recommend special intention yagyas depending on your concerns. It is suggested that clients follow Pandit Dwivedi's recommendations for Planetary yagyas rather than choosing unaided from lists of yagyas.
(Horoscope Reading by skype :40 MINUTES : USD 31)
Five year -Life Prediction:-
This service covers all areas of life, such as health, wealth, relationship with siblings, happiness of material life, happiness of mother, education, children, education, disease, enemies, and debts, life partner, business, longevity, fortune, spirituality, professional area, gains, sources of income, expenses and enlightenment. It also covers the prediction on the future time periods of life, and the influence of the transit planets, along with specific Yagya and Gem recommendation. USD175
Three -Year Prediction:-
The focus is on the prediction of the twelve houses and coming five-year time period which covers all the possible trends and tendencies regarding business, relationships, marriage and children, when to start any venture, when to be careful and if there is any problem then how to solve it by suitable Yagyas. The light is on the present transit of planets also, and their influence in life, and the positive and negative results with solution through Yagyas. USD111
One-Year Prediction:-
The focus is on the prediction of the twelve houses and especially the service covers the prediction of a three-year time period in detail on three levels of Dasha system, which includes the major period of a planet, the sub period of a planet and sub period of a planet, which is very minute observation for possible events in the coming year. USD75