Meditation means awareness

The Japanese's Zen and the Chinese’S chyan, both of these words are a misconception of meditation. In English it is called meditation, but the word Awareness is very close to it.The word "realization"of Hindi is closer to it. The basic meaning of meditation is awareness, awareness, consciousness, witnessing and vision.

The eighth limb of Yoga is very important. The only meditation is such an element that all of them start from the instruments themselves, but this rule does not apply to other parts of yoga. Meditation is the situation of standing between two worlds.
Contents 3-2- Yoga Sutra means- Wherever the mind is applied, it is meditation to cultivate instinct. The notion of perception is to bring or place the mind in one place,but meditation means that wherever there is a chit, it is meditation to cultivate instinct. It is meditation to stay awake in it. Meditation does not mean concentration.

 The concentration is like the spot light of the torch, which focuses only on one place, but meditation is like a bulb which spreads light in all four directions. Generally, the attention of ordinary people can be very low, but the Yogis are like the sun's light, in which falls in every thing of the universe. many people forget to understand actions as meditation –
such as Sudarshan Kriya, Bhavantya meditation and Sahaj Yoga meditation. On the other hand, the method is also being misunderstood to understand meditation. Many saints, gurus or Mahatma, meditate like revolutionary methods of meditation, but they do not tell that there is a difference in law and meditation.

There is a difference in action and meditation. The action is the instrument is not achievable. Action is the tool. Action is like a broom. It is also not worth taking a close look. It is also not worth remembering any idol. Do not even chant with the garland. It is often said that meditate on God for five minutes - it is also not a meditation, a remembrance. Meditation is freedom from actions.

Freedom from thoughts. There are innumerable imaginations and thoughts in our mind. It keeps the mood in mind and brain. We do not want it, but it keeps going. You are constantly trying to weaken and weaken yourself. Meditation is to remove unnecessary imagination and ideas from mind and go into pure and pure silence. Meditation As the person begins to be situated in a persona The moment of any thoughts, imaginations and thoughts are not affected at all. Being the mood of the mind and mind is the primary form of meditation.

Living in thoughts, imagination and happiness and misery of the past is against meditation. In mind, with the mind of the senses, the mind and the intellect begin to absorb in their nature. Those who do not understand witness or vision, they should initially ignore the practice of meditation. If the exercise is closed or open when the exercise increases, the seeker remains connected with his nature, and eventually he can remain in the state of meditation while having a position in a witnessing state.

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