Why we notice,or don't notice results

Sometimes the client doesn't notice anything. This doesn't mean that nothing is happening.
There are many factors involved including:

  1. the karma being addressed at this particular time
  2. the manner in which we respond. What do we do with the opportunities which arise during the yagya?
  3. the present environment (including living in a difficult part of the world where there is much suffering & sadness, or, bliss and happiness!)
  4. being distracted by all the external trauma and drama
  5. general life style
  6. alcohol or drugs (there can be an observable rough effect from the yagya as the person’s system begins to shift from cloudy to clear.)

We have had comments from clients who had built up expectations of what would happen when they did yagyas. Sometimes there is no perceptible effect.

This is very disappointing if one has expectations. So I tend to play down the ‘results’ from yagyas and let the client explore what it is like in their life. I, personally, expect my yagyas to improve my life.With that being said, the following are some of the responses we have received. Please feel free to contact us with your experience.


Planetary Yagyas

The performance of a planetary yagya creates positive influence from a specific planet. (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu). Planetary Yagyas neutralize negative and strengthen positive influence from the lords of the dashas or transits. Dashas are certain time periods in a person’s life, which are ruled by certain planets. Great support of nature can be reached.

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Royal Yagyas

Royal Yagyas use longer, more complex mantras than the special intention yagyas. This yagya is for wealth and prosperity. It is a yagya done for people who are currently earning money. It is not a way to get out of debt. If you already have one or more solid streams of income, this yagya tends to enhance the income.

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Our Services


The Sanskrit word Yagya is originated from the Sanskrit verb – YAJ = to do fire sacrifice. Yagya is in fact a combination of rituals recommended by Veda and Vedic Scriptures.


Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. There is a broad variety of yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism.


Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means for divining information about human affairs and terrestrial events.

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