What if You Stop Sleeping?
The question can be asked what happens carefully? Why meditate? What if you stop sleeping?
Sleep makes you alive again. In the same way meditation makes you aware of this vast universe. It should increase the energy around you to say that by increasing your illumination, you become aware of the state of your being. Otherwise, people do not even notice that they were alive even to death.
Carefully gives the person the power to understand and see better. You can become a strong person by staying in a witnessing state. It creates a relation between your body, mind and your (soul). Your view and thinking approach is different from others. Most people think,understand and feel at the animal level. There is no difference between them and animals. Intelligent people can be full of anger, envy, greed, lies and sexuality. But the meditator only takes the Yama and rule into practice.
Apart from this, meditation is the important element of yoga which creates a relation between body, mind and soul. Our energy is concentrated by meditation. The power of the energy is increased in the mind and body and the spiritual force increases. Carefully helps to see and understand the present. Currently the goal which we have in front of us is to get the inspiration and ability to get it too carefully. You can not find it in the temple, mosque, church or gurudwara.