Vedic Yagya effects

The effect of a  vedic yagya varies from person to person it depends on their Karma and planetary dasha effects (especially in remedial case). If the person's Karma and Planetary influences will be good then  vedic yagya works for a long time. If the person's Karma goes wrong way or planetary period comes adverse then you need to repeat yagya time by time. That's why we prefer suggesting planetary yagyas first.
The effects of a strong yagya lasts  one year. In Kaliyuga our Karma is not so pure therefore the effects of yagyas are no longer, so we need repeated yagyas every year. Also if our adverse planetary period starts during the year then our earlier performed yagya’s effect will reduce. So we recommend yagyas at the change of planet dasha and transits. Important factors for getting long term yagya effects:

  1. Yagyas performed adeptly under due disciplines are more significant.
  2. Your faith is very important
  3. Follow yagya rules during the yagya
  4. Selection of powerful yagya ("A" "B" "C",category)
  5. Selection of good muhurta to start yagya
  6. Choosing right yagya for right wish/purpose (Usually we add minimum 5-7 pandits in yagya.pandits depends on the yagya category and types, but there are  yagyas for which we add 11 and more pandits.) 
  7. Yagya duration can be one day or more days, week, month etc. It depends on yagya intention, wish and yagya category (quantities of Vedic Mantra). Pandit Dwivedi decides duration and suggested yagya category after examine one’s Jyotish chart.
  8. Vedic literature states very clearly the required number of mantras to chant at every types of vedic yagyas. In case of a sun planetary yagya seven thousand plus ten percent is recommended, in this way in case of an 'A' category sun planetary yagya pandits perform yagya while this number is reached, in case of a 'B' category yagya pandits chant the sixty five percent of it and in case of a 'C' category yagya pandits reduce more the number of the mantras. 
  9. Yagyas are lasting about 3:30 hours. Fire/ hawan between 30 minutes and 1 hour, depends about how many other yagyas are offered.
  10. "The Vedic routine of life is pure, refined, and free from malicious things—Satoguna. The Vedic Pandit performing a Yagya in that balanced state easily realizes the resolution that he makes in the beginning of the Yagya."
  11. "The Pandit makes a resolution (Sankalpa), and then does what is prescribed to create that quality of intelligence in his own consciousness from the level of Omnipresent Transcendental Consciousness. From there, he produces the desired effect in space and time."
  12. "Larger groups of Vedic Pandits performing Yagyas will take care of all kinds of negative trends in society."
  13. "Every government has to be doing Yagyas. Yagya is not a known word in our civilization, and that is why peace and happiness are not known realities in this civilization. They do not know where the seat of all harmony, all peace, all prosperity, all fullness, and eternity is."

How do I know which  Vedic yagyas are right for me?
We use the Vedic science of Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) to look at possible future tendencies that you might like to avoid. In addition, we solicit your input concerning areas of your life that you wish to improve or strengthen. After determining your areas of need, we are then able to choose the most beneficial yagya for you.Typically, Pandit Tarkeshwar Dwivedi will recommend Planetary yagyas to help clear one's negative karma.  
 How does a vedic Yagya work?
Our joys and sorrows in this life are the fruits of actions (karmas) done in previous births. The fruits of our past actions are mediated or delivered to us by the planets. Their arrangement in the heavens at the time of birth is a karmic map of our life. Vedic astrology interprets this ‘star map’ (horoscope) and makes predictions based on it. Planets activate during the period of life allotted to them. A malefic or afflicted planet in the horoscope will deliver problems in the life period ruled or influenced by it. Yagya relieves the suffering delivered by malefic planets. 

VEDIC SOLUTIONS FOR ALL PROBLEMS:- Vedic-solutions Human beings can experience all glories, both worldly and divine; nevertheless, human life is full of challenges and obstacles. Health, wealth, and family are all vulnerable to misfortune and fate due to the influence of the planets in one’s life.we provides traditional solutions for the problems confronting human life. We offer pujas and Yagyas (sacred ceremonies), homams (ancient fire ceremonies), and mantra japam (meditative repetition of a mantra) as prescribed in the Vedas and Shastras, the holy scriptures of Hinduism. By utilizing the sound vibrations of specific Sanskrit mantras, our authentic and effective Yagyas, as prescribed by these holy texts, can help alleviate many problems of our modern times.


Planetary Yagyas

The performance of a planetary yagya creates positive influence from a specific planet. (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu). Planetary Yagyas neutralize negative and strengthen positive influence from the lords of the dashas or transits. Dashas are certain time periods in a person’s life, which are ruled by certain planets. Great support of nature can be reached.

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Royal Yagyas

Royal Yagyas use longer, more complex mantras than the special intention yagyas. This yagya is for wealth and prosperity. It is a yagya done for people who are currently earning money. It is not a way to get out of debt. If you already have one or more solid streams of income, this yagya tends to enhance the income.

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Our Services


The Sanskrit word Yagya is originated from the Sanskrit verb – YAJ = to do fire sacrifice. Yagya is in fact a combination of rituals recommended by Veda and Vedic Scriptures.


Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. There is a broad variety of yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism.


Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means for divining information about human affairs and terrestrial events.

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